PT. Graha Pratama
Sejahtera Chooses
AsiaSat 4 to deliver a
bouquet of 14 channels
in the Asia-Pacific
27 October 2015
Asia Satellite
Telecommunications Co.
Ltd. announced today
that PT. Graha Pratama
Sejahtera (GPS), a
leading system
integrator based in
Indonesia, has launched
a bouquet of 14
television channels on
AsiaSat 4 at 122ºE.
The services, uplinked
by GPS’s facilities in
Jakarta, are distributed
via AsiaSat 4 in C-band
to Satellite TV
operators in Indonesia.
With these new services,
AsiaSat 4 has
significantly expanded
its television offerings
to viewers across the
country. These include
general entertainment,
news, music, lifestyle,
wildlife, adventure and
science programmes,
broadcast in Indonesian,
Hindi, English and
Arabic languages.
“We are excited that we
have further expanded
our transmission
services to the
broadcast community with
AsiaSat’s excellent
capacity. AsiaSat 4 is a
high performance
satellite with
exceptionally high power
and superior look angle.
It is an ideal platform
to support our
countrywide television
distribution services.
We look forward to
expanding our
collaboration with
AsiaSat in the future,”
said Liauw Ing Hauw,
Director of PT. Graha
Pratama Sejahtera.
“We are pleased that PT.
Graha Pratama Sejahtera
chose AsiaSat as its
prime satellite platform
for television
distribution services in
Indonesia. This is an
exciting development of
AsiaSat 4’s service
expansion for the TV
sector in Asia. We will
continue our efforts to
grow the neighbourhood
of AsiaSat 4, from
digital TV to HD and
Ultra-HD, to meet the
growing demand for
diverse and high quality
television services in
Asia,” said Philip
Balaam, Vice President,
Sales and Business
Development of AsiaSat.