adds Face TV for Balkan
Communities in Europe
31 October 2016
Yahlive announced
that, in partnership
with Adriatic Tours
S.L., owners of Alpha
One RTV Network, it has
added Face TV to its
European channel
bouquet. The top-viewed
Bosnian channel, which
was previously only
available via pay-TV, is
now exclusively
available free-to-air
from Yahlive.
The new channel is in
line with Yahlive’s
business strategy that
focuses on targeting the
different communities
across the region and
providing a mix of
popular local
complemented with a
variety of premium
international channels.
Commenting on the
recently added Face TV
channel, Ammar Baranbo,
Yahlive Chief Operating
Officer said: “Our aim
is to provide content
diversity to a wide
range of audiences and
communities within our
footprint and we are
thrilled that Face TV
joins the existing
bouquet channels for
Balkan viewers of the
region. The increased
channel offering is
testament to Yahlive's
commitment to connecting
with the different
viewer segments across
our coverage areas and
to providing our
audience with high
quality news and
entertainment channels
that they can all relate
Zisko Mahir, General
Manager, Adriatic Tours
S.L. said, "We are happy
to be working closely
with Yahlive. Since our
first signed agreement
in September 2015, this
continued partnership
allows us to share
content that really
resonates with Balkan
viewers, giving them
access to the channels
they want.”
Since launching
channels for Balkans
communities earlier this
year, the service
offering continues to
grow. The latest
addition, Face TV, is
serviced by the Europe
beam and comes with 17
TV channels including A1
Balkan, A1 Sports and
Zdrava TV.