European Public Service Media Welcome Greek
Court Ruling Restoring ERT Signal
June 18,
European public service media welcomed
a ruling by the top administrative court in
Greece ordering the Greek government restore
national broadcaster ERT to air immediately.
The Council of State suspended the
government decree ordering the closure of ERT last Tuesday
(11/6). It also recognized that the Greek public service
broadcaster has a key role to play in providing information,
education and entertainment to the Greek people and the
The Council of State ordered the Greek
government to restore the ERT signal and take all appropriate
organizational measures to continue broadcasting through the ERT
frequencies and internet sites until a new public service
broadcaster is established.
Jean Paul Philippot,
President of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) - which has
been at the forefront of international efforts to return ERT to
air - said that the court had delivered the right result.
"This is a positive turn because it
means public service media will return to
Greece," he said. "We welcome the news that ERT
will reopen, and we offer our support to build a new,
successful, independent and sustainable public broadcaster that
will contribute to pluralism and diversity in Greek society."
Since ERT's dramatic shut-down, the
EBU has consistently called for its Greek Member to be allowed
to resume broadcasting services and give the Greek public
rightful access to public service information.
The case against the government
closure of ERT was brought by POSPERT, a union representing ERT
employees - 2,700 of whom were laid off at a stroke last Tuesday