25 October 2012
In 2009, the World Bank found that in low and middle income countries, a 10% increase in broadband penetration accelerates economic growth by 1.38%. This, together with more than 100 studies that have proven the link between the use of ICTs and socio-economic development, has led policy makers to focus on the provision of broadband as a matter of urgency. In 2011, the ITU’s Broadband Commission found that “the benefits of broadband are profound – in opening up young minds to new horizons through educational technologies; in empowering women to expand their opportunities through genuine choices; in improving awareness of hygiene and healthcare; and in helping family breadwinners find work, a better salary or return on their goods.”
Despite the many benefits, the limited availability of infrastructure has been a key factor that has constrained the roll-out and affordability of Broadband in sub-Saharan Africa. Though a number of submarine and terrestrial cable projects have come on stream, connecting sub-Saharan Africa to the rest of the world, there are huge numbers of people in the region that are unable to connect.
Research carried out by the CTO suggests that following the deployment of Ka-band satellites, a relatively new technology in developing markets, satellite could be the most viable way to offer ubiquitous broadband access in sub-Saharan Africa. The research entitled “The Socio-Economic Impact of Broadband: the Satellite Advantage” was launched today at a function held at the Royal Commonwealth Society in London, attended by a number of representatives from the developmental community, the public sector and the private sector. Some of the key findings of the research are:
Today, low cost satellite networks complement in a practical way the terrestrial and submarine cable networks and enhance the broadband delivery ecosystem. Satellite broadband is the key to achieving rural access, as it is not hampered by the challenges faced by fibre networks.
Satellite broadband, particularly through Ka–band satellites, could play an important role in meeting African governments’ broadband targets, such as increasing broadband penetration to approximately 80% of Africans by 2020.
“Our objective is to reach the millions of people in Africa for whom Broadband is still a distant dream” says David Williams, Chief Executive of Avanti Communications, a company that has launched Ka-band satellites to serve the African continent, speaking at the launch of the report. “Ka-band satellites, such as our new HYLAS 2, provide broadband at costs significantly lower than that of Ku-band and C-band satellites. We believe Ka-band satellite offers a compelling route in providing Broadband to the unconnected in Africa.”
The CTO’s CEO, Professor Tim Unwin, said: “The latest generation of Ka-band satellites will be able to provide a far more cost effective solution than the existing C-band and Ku-band. This dispels the idea that satellite is just too expensive, but in fact provides a complementary technology to fibre and mobile in enabling broadband access across Africa.”