Pale Blue awarded up to USD 27M
for MEXT’s SBIR-3, to develop and operate propulsion
systems critical to space debris mitigation
Feb. 6
Pale Blue Inc. has been
awarded a grant by Japan’s Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) under the
Small and Business Innovation Research 3 (SBIR-3)
program to develop and demonstrate key technology for
space debris mitigation. The grant is worth up to USD 27
million (JPY 4 billion) and will enable the development
and demonstration of a miniaturized water-based ion
thruster and a water-based hall-effect thruster by
fiscal 2027.
Most space debris consists of
fragments generated by collision with other space debris
and satellites that have ceased operation. In order to
reduce space debris, it is imperative to ensure that
future satellites will be equipped with the ability to
avoid collision and perform deorbit maneuvers upon
completing operation. As propulsion systems enable
satellites to both avoid collision and deorbit, they are
one of the most effective tools available today to
mitigate space debris.
While more and more small
satellites are expected to be launched going forward,
especially in the 10 kg to 500 kg mass range, the need
for propulsion systems that are both small enough to fit
on small satellites and integration friendly will only
continue to grow. Pale Blue will tackle this challenge
by developing a propulsion system that uses water as
propellant, which is not only safe and
procurement-friendly but which can also be miniaturized.
Under this program, Pale Blue will develop two types of
propulsion systems; a water-based miniaturized ion
thruster targeting 10-100 kg class satellites and a
water-based hall-effect thruster targeting 100-500 kg
class satellites, both of which will be demonstrated in
“We are
truly honored to have been selected for the SBIR-3
program,” said Jun Asakawa, CEO of Pale Blue. “We will
contribute to space debris mitigation through agile
development of the miniaturized water ion thrusters and
the water hall-effect thrusters. This
program will enable the product to rapidly enter the
market after in-orbit demonstration, and will allow for
quick adoption by satellite constellation operators. We
are confident that this will lead to our vision of
creating mobility that is core to the space industry.”
The SBIR-3 program supports startup
companies that are ready for large scale technology
demonstration and is designed under the Small Business
Innovation Research program in Japan to promote
innovation by facilitating the research and development
executed by startup companies. The program aims to
promote the social application of state of the art
technologies by subsidizing grant projects. The SBIR-3
program awarded to Pale Blue is divided into three
phases and will grant up to USD 27 million (JPY 4
billion). The grant amount is determined separately at
each phase and with the first phase amount totaling USD
8.7 million (JPY 1.3 billion).

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