Laser Light and Inligo Networks
Sign $175 Million USD Reciprocal Services Agreement to
Increase Access to Asia-Pacific Data Capacity
Sept. 27, 2023
Laser Light Companies and Inligo
Networks, have signed a fifteen-year $175 million (USD)
Reciprocal Master Services Agreement for optical service
capacity throughout the Asia-Pacific Region. As part of
the terms, Laser Light intends to purchase optical
transport capacity from Inligo on its terrestrial and
subsea cables in and around Southeast Asia, Australasia,
and the Pacific US. In turn, Inligo intends to purchase
from Laser Light its redundant, resilient global
connectivity to meet the needs of its customers overhead
and beyond its current network footprint via Laser
Light's next-generation data service platform.
Inligo Networks will provide
additional regional connectivity to Laser Light's
planned network hubs, effectively meshing many of its
optical satellite ground stations and points of presence
across Asia and the Pacific, including Australia's
Northern Territory. The solution provides Laser Light
with significant redundant network capacity via
terrestrial, and subsea cable infrastructures,
complementing its optical satellite capacity. The
agreement also allows Laser Light to leverage a range of
Inligo's low latency routes between the USA, Pacific and
Asia and the development of the technology in
Australasia where the demand for connectivity remands
$175 Million (USD) Reciprocal
Master Services Agreement
Working with Laser Light, Inligo
gains access to the Laser Light next-generation global
optical network to provide the lowest latency, highly
redundant communications platform for their customers
beyond its existing customer footprint. Additionally, in
the event of an outage or service failure on the Inligo
subsea network, the optical satellite capabilities will
provide equivalent, restoration services for Inligo' s
"The opportunity to partner with
Laser Light as a foundational customer on our ACC-1 and
Unite networks, along with being able to supplement
these networks with Laser Light's capabilities, global
reach and unique service portfolio, adds significant
opportunities for our customers. The alignment of two
disruptive, innovative high-tech organisations will
generate truly meaningful benefits for our customers and
shareholders as well as driving efficiencies for our
respective organisations," said Simon Zettl, Commercial
Director and Chief Revenue Officer at Inligo Networks.
"The demand for connectivity
options across the Pacific is immense, and we are
honored to have Inligo Networks as one of our founding
launch customers. Given their secure infrastructure,
high-speed, low latency, and reliable telecommunications
solutions, Inligo is an ideal partner to expand and
accelerate the reach of the Laser Light' advanced data
services platform throughout Asia Pacific," said Bob
Brumley, Chairman and CEO of Laser Light Companies.
These reciprocal services will
commence upon initial operations of the Laser Light
platform expected to begin at the end of 2023 with
Australia being in the first phase of its Beta Program
roll-out in partnership with Nokia announced in June.
Exact deployment and contract value details will be
announced in the coming months.