Space and Inovor Technologies achieve critical milestone
in commercialisation of propulsion technology
1 March, 2023
Neumann Space and Inovor
Technologies have announced that together they have
successfully completed delivery of the Neumann Drive™
with the Apogee satellite platform ready for spacecraft
integration and launch.
This milestone represents the first
time an Australian electric propulsion product has
qualified for integration on a satellite and signals the
progress that both companies have made together towards
increasing the capability and commercial viability of
Australia’s space industry.
Neumann Space and Inovor
Technologies progress on integrating the Neumann Drive™
has enabled the readiness for flight heritage of an
Australian made satellite platform with electric
propulsion, further de-risking the integrated product
for the global market.
Neumann Space’s CEO, Herve Astier
said “The Neumann Drive offers a step change in mobility
to the global satellite market, and this milestone
represents an important step forward in ensuring that
this critical technology is able to serve the growing
need for better propulsion in space”.
“Proving the performance of the
Neumann Drive™ in space will enable our company to
continue the solid progress we are making to
commercialise our products. We are excited about the
work we are doing with Inovor Technologies and the
contribution that we are making to securing flight
heritage of a system with the real potential to
significantly disrupt the way satellite propulsion is
done today,” he said.
Dr Matthew Tetlow, Founder and CEO
of Inovor Technologies said “The Apogee satellite
platform is a high-performance spacecraft requiring a
highly efficient propulsion system, which is why we are
very pleased to be ready for spacecraft integration and
“Both our products are
Australian-designed and made, demonstrating the
sovereign capability that exists within our nation’s
space sector, and the potential for growth of the
industry. Continuing to prove and test our industry’s
platforms and capability in space is essential to
progress,” he said.
Neumann Space currently has two
product classes in various phases of development and
testing, one that is designed for CubeSats and the other
for the SmallSat market. The Neumann Drive selected for
the Apogee satellite is its CubeSat Product Class
incorporating a Thruster Unit that contains Molybdenum
as the solid metallic propellant. The propulsion system
is based on the company’s patented pulsed cathodic arc
thruster technology and is designed to be safer,
storable fully fuelled
and integrated, more efficient, and importantly more
robust and easier to operate than other solutions
currently on the market.
Inovor Technologies has developed a
family of small satellite buses in the CubeSat (Apogee
Bus) class and is designing its SmallSat (Australis Bus)
class. This technology can be used to build satellites
across a range of sizes, and for most mission types,
including space domain awareness, Earth imaging,
communications, climate science, AgTech, scientific
experimentation, and more. Propulsion is a key
technology enabler to support customer mission
requirements and Inovor Technologies’ Hyperion and
Skyris missions.
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