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“Azercosmos” Open Joint Stock Company under the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan announces an open tender for “Procurement of “Azerspace-2”, the second telecommunication satellite of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the related equipment”

March 4th, 2015 

Azercosmos OJSCo announces the tender for the “Procurement of “Azerspace-2”, the second telecommunications satellite of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the related equipment” in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “ On Public Procurements” and hereby invites the  telecommunications satellite manufacturers to participate in this tender. 

1. Language of the tender

The tender terms and conditions are prepared in Azerbaijani and English.

2. Eligibility criteria

In order to participate in tender, the applicant shall meet the following criteria:

- to have authority to sign the procurement contract;

- to be in good standing;

- in order to perform the procurement contract, to be experienced and advanced in the mentioned corresponding field (and defined more particularly in this tender terms and conditions);

- to have technical, financial and human resources, as well as management skills;

- not to have overdue tax and other similar obligatory governmental payments.  

3. Required documents

Applicants, wishing to participate as a bidder in the tender and obtain the tender terms and conditions, shall submit the following documents by 18:00 Baku (Azerbaijan) time on “13” March 2015:

•        a written request for participation in the tender;

•        a bank statement evidencing the payment of the participation fee;

•        the signed original of the Non-disclosure agreement (in the absence of such document, you may reach the contacts listed at the end of this announcement and obtain the form of the draft agreement).

Thereafter, the following documents shall be submitted at the latest of 7 (seven) banking days prior the commencement of the Tender Procedure:

•        the company's full name, legal status, requisites, the charter (or in its absence, the other equivalent document) registered in the governmental authority of the country of its establishment;

•        an external audit report prepared in accordance with IFRS or GAAP and financial statements for the latest available year.

4. The participation fee

The participation fee is 20000 (twenty thousand) US dollars and is not refundable at all.

The participation fee shall be paid to the following bank account of Azercosmos: 

Beneficiary:                  AZERCOSMOS OJSCo.

IBAN:                           AZ87AIIB33160018401802747118 

Bank name/address:   Kapital Bank OJSCo, Rabita Branch

                                    82 Hasan Aliyev street, Baku, Azerbaijan

SWIFT code:               AIIBAZ2X 

Intermediary bank:      Citibank N.A. / New York, USD

Corr. Account:             36089289

SWIFT code:                CITIUS33  

5. Validity of tender proposal

180 days. 

6. Bid Security

The bank guarantee shall be in the amount not less than 1% (one percent) of the total price of the tender proposal and bank guarantee shall remain valid minimum 30 (thirty) banking days beyond the validity period of the tender proposal. The bank guarantee shall be confirmed through SWIFT in Azerbaijan by an acceptable local bank.  

7. Performance timeline

The works under the contract shall be completed by the end of year 2017: the installation of the ground equipment shall be completed not later than the year 2017 and the satellite shall be ready at the latest by the end of year 2017 for shipment to a launch site. 

8. The preferred criteria used in the tender proposals selection process

The winner will be selected in the end of each of the tender proposals and bidders having been evaluated in terms of compliance with the tender terms and conditions and the tender proposals having been compared with each other, referring to the financial, technical, qualification criteria, as well as considering its experience in delivering satellite systems consisting of geo-stationary Ku- and Ka-band telecommunications satellites and the related equipment.  

9. Deadline for submission

The tender proposal and bank guarantee shall be submitted by 18:00 Baku local time on “22” April 2015 to Azercosmos OJSCo (at the address: the 5th floor, 72, Uzeyir Hajibayli str., AZ 1000, Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan).

10. The tender procedure date

The tender procedure shall commence at 11:00 Baku local time on “23” April 2015 in the large meeting room of Azercosmos OJSCo (at the address: the 5th floor, 72, Uzeyir Hajibayli str., AZ 1000, Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan). 

11. For additional information on the tender please contact Azercosmos OJSCo

a) By e-mail: 


Head of the Tender commission – Samaddin ASADOV 


Chief procurement specialist – Arzu GULIYEVA 


Senior lawyer of Legal Department – Arzu MAMMADOVA 

b) By phone: + (994) 12 5650055 

“Azercosmos” OJSCo , Tender Commission