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ABU supports work to protect broadcasting spectrum

The ABU says it fully supports the world’s broadcasters in opposing changes to the
allocation of digital TV and satellite distribution spectrums.

The ABU worked with the World Broadcasting Union’s Technical Committee’s
formulating recommendations on spectrum allocation to go before the World
Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15) in Geneva, Switzerland, next year.
The WBU recommendations state that the use of radio-frequency spectrum by
broadcasters remains “an important vehicle for the efficient and scalable delivery of
high-quality media content and emergency alerting services to both fixed and mobile

Specifically on DTV, the WBU does not support any change to the current spectrum
allocations at UHF frequencies (470 –694/ 698 MHz), stating that contiguous spectrum
should be allotted in the bands assigned to the broadcast service to allow for the robust
delivery of high-quality media content, data and signalling that meets or exceeds the
capabilities of current fixed and mobile reception and display devices as well as those
that are expected to be deployed in the future.

It also does not support any change to the current spectrum allocations at C-band or
extended C-band satellite distribution frequencies.

The WBU states: “The use of downlink spectrum allocated at C-Band (3.7 – 4.2 GHz) or
extended C-Band in the Fixed-Satellite Service is essential to broadcasters’ operations
around the world. Systems employing this FSS band have been extensively deployed
over decades, primarily for the distribution of content from network centres to affiliated
stations, cable head-ends and to other receiving systems.”

The WBU says its position has been supported by spectrum studies of both UHF and Cband frequencies that have demonstrated that major interference to broadcast
operations would result from sharing these bands with International Mobile
Telecommunications (IMT). These studies have been filed with the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU).

It adds: “The WBU will continue to participate actively in spectrum studies of the radiofrequency bands both assigned and associated with broadcasting, in order to ensure the continued efficient use of these bands for broadcast media content distribution.”