TELEBRAS Brazilian Satellite Ka-Band
will be offer in a Public auction 70% of
the capacity in two lots next September
after the roadshow in Brazil, UK and USA
during the month of August.
The President of Telebras Mr. Jarbas
Valente announced Monday August 14 that
the new date for the auction will be
September 27,2017 after receiving few
requests for more time for the bid.
I had an interview with Mr. Jarbas and
below are the Key points to understand
in brief the Telebras Program for the
Public offer of Satellite Capacity in
Ka-Band with 100% coverage of Brazil
territory and coastal area.
1 - Business Opportunity
1.1 When is the bid due date and what
capacity will be available in the two
lots? The auction date is September 27
but other dates in the scope of the
official document is listed.
1.2 What will be the criteria to win the
bid for capacity and the vsat
technology? - For Lot 1 will be the
Capacity Price subtracted by the
Commitments Price to provide VSAT
Equipment and Installation and
Maintenance (Forecast is 50,000 vsat
units in 5 years). For Lot 2 will be the
Capacity Price. This dynamic is
described in the official document with
more details.
1.3 Is possible to have consortium to
bid in the project? - Yes, Brazilian or
foreign companies can be associated in
1.4 Is a minimum bond guarantee required
for bid in this project? - To
participate in the bid, the proponent
must present a guarantee of BRL 5
million. To execute the contract, the
Assignee must present guarantee of 30%
of the global price of the contract.
1.5 Is any other business requirement to
qualify to Bid or need to send a
confirmation letter with intention to
bid? - Yes, in the Open Call for Bids
there are all the technical, legal and
financial requirements. For example,
only companies with, at least, 5,000
VSATs installed can participate.
1.6 What is the estimated value of the
total capacity available for the Public
offer? - This information is classified
and will be published after the bidding
1.7 What is the term of payment for the
winner of the offer? - There are two
payment terms: 15% entrance + ramp-up
(according to official document) monthly
payments or onetime payment
1.8 Any other key business information
that you believe is critical for the
program that is not covered by the
previous questions? - The evaluation of
the commercial proposal of Lot 1 will be
considered the Price of the Capacity
subtracted by the Commitments price,
according to the official document. -
Telebras is looking for a strategic
partner that will support Telebras
customers and services, as well as
provide satellite communications
services using the synergies between
both Telebras and the company that will
be Assignee of SGDC capacity.
2 - Technical Information
2.1 Can you provide the coverage of the
capacity and how many capacities per
beam will be available? - The coverage
and capacity are described in the
official document and also described in
Annex A. Total capacity is 60 Gbps
within 67 beams. (See pictures attached)
2.2 How many teleports is available by
Telebras for this project? - 5 gateways
that covers all 67 user-beams for SGDC
complete coverage.
2.3 The winner of the bid can use the
Telebras Teleport facilities to install
the VSAT Hubs?
- Yes, actually it is required that the
Winning Bidders must use the five
gateways, Telebras 13m antennas with RF
systems and data-center space
(colocation). All the conditions and
prices are defined in Annex E
(Colocation Contract), that is a
classified document to be withdrawn by
proponents upon NDA signature.
2.4 Is any specific demand for the VSAT
technology that Telebras will be
interested to implement? - Efficient and
scalable VSAT platforms is a must for
Telebras for Lot 1. For Lot 2 equipment
will be defined by the Winning Bidders.
2.5 Is any restriction to use capacity
for mobility application like
terrestrial, maritime or aeronautical? -
Equipment must be certified by Anatel
(Brazilian regulator agency) and
Telebras to work properly with SGDC.
Frequency plan must be approved by
2.6 What is the life estimate of the
satellite at this time? - 18.9 years
initially, operated by Telebras
2.7 Any limitation or required VSAT
technology to be implemented in this
capacity? - Performance and efficiency
requirements are defined in Annex D5
(e.g.: DVB-S2x)
Note: If you need any further
information in English you can contact
Bernardo Schneiderman at or via phone