"Unlike many other products available today, JetWave provides high-speed, reliable connectivity, when and where the warfighter need it, regardless of mission or geographic location. Our next-generation connectivity solution will transform the way troops communicate in battle, providing unprecedented capabilities that allow military personnel to have situational awareness in multiple locations at once," said Carey Smith, president, Defense and Space, Honeywell Aerospace. "We've already experienced high levels of demand for JetWave and lined up orders around the world with militaries that want enhanced communications for their mission."
"As the U.S. government seeks to adopt an enterprise-level, integrated architecture to fulfill their requirements and enhance flexibility of operations worldwide, government users are taking advantage of our Global Xpress SATCOM as a Service, as well as accessing our wideband Mil-Ka leased capacity as part of their own independent network," said Peter Hadinger, president of Inmarsat's U.S. Government Business Unit. "We are pleased with the government interest and demand, driven by Global Xpress' unique global mobility and reliability, seamless interoperability with military satellite resources, and cost-effectiveness. We are excited to present Honeywell's JetWave system as the first Global Xpress type-approved airborne terminal compatible with the Global Xpress SATCOM as a Service."
"We envision a battlefield of the future that's not inhibited by spotty, slow and unreliable connectivity. We want to create a landscape of consistent and interconnected communication between parties regardless of the type of platform or its location. The goal is a connected military anywhere in the world with high-speed, high-bandwidth and secure connectivity," Smith said.