Vocality Supports Brazilian Air
Traffic Control Communications
The Material Park of
Aeronautics of Rio de Janeiro
(PAME-RJ), was faced with a
major obstacle to overcome: the
obsolescence of their current
satellite communications system
for one of the most mission
critical applications, Air
Traffic Control. This
satellite-based communications
system provides almost all voice
and data services to Air Force
Command (COMAER) through 111
stations installed throughout
the national Brazilian
Vocality worked closely with the
local partner, RSA Engineering, to
replace the obsolete system while
ensuring support for all existing voice
and data communication protocols. The
new system also had to meet the
increased capacity for the data load
requirements that have grown
exponentially since 2000.
“RSA has
supported the needs of PAME-RJ for many
years. We were very aware of their
challenges and pleased to identify
Vocality as a possible solution. After
the selection of Vocality was made, we
found that their technology not only met
the requirements, but exceeded
expectations” - Rivaldo da Silva, CEO
RSA Engineering
The use of Vocality’s next-generation
technology, coupled with new satellite
modems, provided approximately a 90%
reduction in the satellite bandwidth
used by each station. The updated system
can now support up to 10 times more
data, without increasing satellite
bandwidth requirements. This resulted in
an expected R$5,000,000 savings in
leased capacity from the PAME-RJ
satellite bandwidth providers.
”Vocality is
very pleased to have worked with RSA on
the design of this cost saving, mission
critical system for the Brazilian Air
Force. It’s wonderful to know that when
I fly to Brazil, the aircraft I am on is
in touch with ground control through
Vocality.”Paul Moskowitz, SVP
Vocality Americas.
Smart remote monitoring and control
capability allows a change in the
preventive maintenance model of remote
stations, reducing the need for on-site
technicians for more than 80% of the
maintenance procedures. Given the remote
nature of the Brazilian deployments,
this increases system uptime, while
reducing ongoing costs.
The overall savings derived from the
Vocality-based optimizations, reduced
bandwidth and remote system management,
will provide PAME-RJ with a two-year
full return on investment.