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DigitalGlobe Supports Updated Commercial Remote Sensing Legislation

DigitalGlobe, Inc. announced its support for the Commercial Remote Sensing Act of 2015, introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on May 12 by Reps. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) and Ed Perlmutter (D-CO).

The Commercial Remote Sensing Act of 2015 is an important step toward necessary regulatory reform that will encourage growth in the U.S. commercial remote sensing industry, ensuring that the United States remains the world leader in this sector. The bill will provide for the collection of metrics around the U.S. Department of Commerce’s regulatory workload and inform Congress about the Department’s ability to meet statutory deadlines for adjudicating license applications. Further, the bill mandates a report on statutory updates necessary to protect national security, protect the U.S. industrial base, and reflect the current state of the art in remote sensing systems, instruments, and technologies. This report would be authored by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce in consultation with other federal agencies and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advisory Committee on Commercial Remote Sensing (ACCRES), of which DigitalGlobe is a member.

“The U.S. commercial remote sensing and earth observation sectors have experienced tremendous growth in recent years, as these technologies have been widely adopted by a broad array of consumer, enterprise, and government applications – contributing to quality of life, public good, and national security,” said Dr. Walter Scott, DigitalGlobe Executive Vice President and General Manager, USG. “Updates to U.S. commercial remote sensing regulations and oversight are necessary to keep pace with the accelerating technological innovation that is spurring growth in our domestic industry. DigitalGlobe fully supports the passage of the Commercial Remote Sensing Act of 2015 and applauds Representatives Bridenstine and Perlmutter for their leadership on this important issue.”