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Untapped In-Flight Connectivity Market Represents Huge Potential for Satellite Industry

April 9, 2015 

NSR’s Aeronautical Satcom Markets, 3rd Edition report, forecast commercial aircraft connectivity markets to reach retail revenues of US $3.2 billion by 2024. In-flight connectivity (IFC) FSS Ku-band and HTS installs on wide-body and narrow-body airplanes will drive the market growth.
“Today’s passengers expect IFC.  It is no longer a 'Luxury Item' for their journey. It's place in the journey has become almost as expected as the emergency card in the seat pocket in front of them,” states NSR Research Director and report author, Claude Rousseau.  “This expectation fuels airlines’ investment projects in IFC. They see take-up rates of satcom and air-to-ground services grow faster, as more terminals are installed on aircrafts worldwide.”  For the more than 100,000+ airframes in the addressable market, NSR projects that today’s business is a fraction of the potential for satcom connectivity with only 47,500 in-service satcom units deployed.  As more satellite flavors are available to link aircraft with the ground for popular social media applications or bandwidth-hungry video applications, every indications points to a surge in capacity demand that could shake-up the market and extend connectivity to more airlines for both long and medium-haul.
“The past year as seen some airlines diversify their satellite solutions to adapt services to the demand from passengers and crew alike on regional and trans-oceanic routes,” Rousseau adds, “and this has meant more bandwidth has been consumed in more aircrafts at cruising altitude to satisfy the growing base of passengers that want always-on connectivity, anywhere.”
Building on passengers’ thirst for connectivity, the market is expanding globally.  The applications will reach further into the operations of aircraft fleets, and bring more safety during flight.  Mostly an L-band market today, customer requirements are moving airlines to adopt more FSS Ku-band and GEO/Non-GEO HTS satellite bandwidth.  By 2024, NSR forecasts the market for Aeronautical SATCOM connectivity will reach 160 transponder equivalents for FSS Capacity, and 81 Gbps of bandwidth across GEO/Non-GEO systems.