Inmarsat provides update on
Cooperation Agreement with LightSquared
29 August 2014
Inmarsat provides the following update with regard to
its Cooperation Agreement with LightSquared.
Inmarsat today announces that it has received payment of
a Phase 2 quarterly payment from LightSquared. This
payment was received within the 60 day contractual cure
period triggered by a notice of default issued to
LightSquared on 2 July 2014.
On 31 March 2014, LightSquared elected to restart
Phase 2 of the Cooperation Agreement. On 1 July 2014, a
quarterly Phase 2 payment of approximately US$4.1
million and a related payment of US$5.0 million became
due, resulting in an aggregate amount due from
LightSquared of approximately US$9.1 million. Inmarsat
has received this payment from LightSquared within the
specified contractual cure period.
Further payments from LightSquared are subject to
significant uncertainty. In May 2012, LightSquared filed
for a reorganisation under Chapter 11 of the United
States Bankruptcy Code and is yet to complete a
reorganisation process that would allow LightSquared,
among other things, to fund its further operations
including payments to Inmarsat. Investors are cautioned
that this announcement provides no guarantee that any
further payments will be received from LightSquared.
The revenue generation of Inmarsat’s mobile satellite
services and Inmarsat Solutions businesses remains
unaffected by today’s announcement.