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USIRIS LLC, Nationwide Provider of Satellite Internet, to Begin Offering DIRECTV


19 March 2013

USIRIS LLC, a nationwide provider of Exede satellite internet, is expanding their current portfolio of services to now include DIRECTV satellite television.

According to the FCC's - Eighth Broadband Progress Report, "The nation has made significant progress expanding high-speed Internet access in recent years,...Notwithstanding this progress, the Report finds that approximately 19 million Americans—6 percent of the population—still lack access to fixed broadband service at threshold speeds. In rural areas, nearly one-fourth of the population —14.5 million people—lack access to this service. In tribal areas, nearly one-third of the population lacks access."

As one of just a few national internet providers, USIRIS LLC has taken the initiative to offer nation-wide satellite internet. Victor C. Fuentes, Director of Operations for USIRIC LLC, estimates satellite internet use in the United States will rise sharply in 2013. According to Fuentes, "Exede now offers a Late Night Free Zone - which allows subscribers daily unlimited internet between the hours of midnight and 5AM, plus, ViaSat, has recently earned a Guinness World Records® title for launching and operating the highest capacity satellite in the world. Their satellite, ViaSat-1, is the power behind Exede's 12Mbps internet, and greatly expands the regions that are able to access super-fast satellite internet speed." Many Americans, who are residing in rural and sparsely populated areas, lack access to more traditional, cable based, broadband services. For these consumers, satellite internet is often the only high speed, broadband internet option available to them. Fuentes goes on to say, "We are expecting such an extreme increase in subscriptions, that we are currently working on developing an additional site, called internet satellite isp, to assist us in meeting the increased demand."

USIRIS LLC, realizes that it is typically the same Americans that lack access to wired broadband internet, who also typically lack access to cable television. For this reason, USIRIS LLC has begun offering DIRECTV via their website, as a way to more completely meet the needs of their customer base.